1. Description

1.1. Ada for Automation

Ada for Automation (A4A in short) is a framework for designing industrial automation applications using the Ada language.

It makes use of the libmodbus library to allow building a ModbusTCP client or server, or a Modbus RTU master or slave.

It can also use Hilscher communication boards allowing to communicate on field buses like AS-Interface, CANopen, CC-Link, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS, EtherCAT, Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP, PROFINET, Sercos III, POWERLINK, or VARAN.

With the help of GtkAda, the binding to the Graphic Tool Kit, one can design Graphical User Interfaces.

Thanks to Gnoga, built on top of Simple Components, it is also possible to provide a Web User Interface.

Nice addition is the binding to the Snap7 library which allows to communicate with SIEMENS S7 PLCs using S7 Communication protocol ISO on TCP (RFC1006).

Of course, all the Ada ecosystem is available.

Using Ada bindings, C, C++, Fortran libraries can also be used.

And, since it is Ada, it can be compiled using the same code base to target all major platforms.

1.2. This demo application

This is a demo application featuring:

  • a basic command line interface,

  • a basic graphic user interface making use of GtkAda,

  • a kernel with a Modbus TCP Server and Modbus TCP IO Scanning (K1),

  • a trivial application that plays with 16 push buttons and 16 LEDs.

This application is meant to play with 010 a4a_piano.

It shares most of the source code of "020 a4a-k1-cli".

2. Projects diagram

The following picture shows the diagram of projects :

diagram classes

3. License

Those files are included in the Ada for Automation root folder :

The GPL License you should read carefully. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007

GCC RUNTIME LIBRARY EXCEPTION Version 3.1, 31 March 2009

Hence, each source file contains the following header :

--                            Ada for Automation                            --
--                                                                          --
--                   Copyright (C) 2012-2023, Stephane LOS                  --
--                                                                          --
-- This library is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
-- under terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by the Free --
-- Software  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your  option) any later --
-- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
-- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                            --
--                                                                          --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
--                                                                          --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
--                                                                          --

4. Building

The provided makefile uses GPRbuild and provides six targets:

  • all : builds the executable,

  • app_doc : creates the documentation of the source code,

  • clean : cleans the space.

Additionally one can generate some documentation using Asciidoctor with :

  • read_me_html : generates the README in HTML format,

  • read_me_pdf : generates the README in PDF format,

  • read_me : generates the README in both formats.

5. Running

This application is meant to play with 010 a4a_piano.

Of course, it can also play with a physical device of your own.

In a console:

Build the application:


Optionally create the documentation:

make app_doc

Run the application:

make run

Use "Quit" button to exit.

Optionally clean all:

make clean

6. Directories

Where you will find the executable.

The place where GNATdoc would create the documentation.

Build artifacts go here.

Application source files.

7. Application

This is a basic Ada for Automation application which implements Modbus TCP IO Scanning and plays with 16 push buttons and 16 LEDs.

It has a Command Line and Graphical User Interfaces and sends Modbus TCP requests to the server reading Input bits and writing Coils.

Modbus TCP Server is not used at the moment.

7.1. Deployment diagram

diagram deployment

7.2. Activity diagram

The Kernel manages the communication channels and provides an interface to those, namely the packages "A4A.Memory.MBTCP_IOScan" and "A4A.Memory.MBTCP_IOSlave".

diagram activity initialization
diagram activity running
diagram activity finalization

7.3. Modbus TCP IO Scanning Configuration

For each Modbus TCP Server define one client configuration task and declare all clients configurations in the array

package A4A.Application.MBTCP_Clients_Config is

   --  Modbus TCP Clients configuration

   --  For each Modbus TCP Server define one client configuration task

   Config1 : aliased Client_Configuration :=
     (Command_Number    => 2, --  (3)
      Enabled           => True,
      Debug_On          => False,
      Task_Period_MS    => 10,
      Retries           => 3,
      Timeout           => 0.2,

      Server_IP_Address => To_Bounded_String (""), --  (1)

      Server_TCP_Port   => 1504, --  (2)
      --  502 Standard / 1502 PLC Simu / 1504 App1Simu

      Commands => --  (4)
         --                                Period              Offset Offset
         --               Action Enabled Multiple Shift Number Remote  Local
         1 =>
           (Read_Input_Bits,        True,      10,    0,    16,     0,     0),
         2 =>
           (Write_Bits,             True,      10,    5,    16,     0,     0)

   Config2 : aliased Client_Configuration :=
     (Command_Number    => 2,
      Enabled           => True,
      Debug_On          => False,
      Task_Period_MS    => 100,
      Retries           => 3,
      Timeout           => 0.2,

      Server_IP_Address => To_Bounded_String (""),
      Server_TCP_Port   => 1503, -- My own MBTCP server

      Commands =>
         --                                Period              Offset Offset
         --               Action Enabled Multiple Shift Number Remote  Local
         1 =>
           (Read_Registers,         True,      10,    0,    10,     0,     0),
         2 =>
           (Write_Registers,        True,      30,    1,    10,     0,     0)

   --  Declare all clients configurations in the array
   --  The kernel will create those clients accordingly

   MBTCP_Clients_Configuration : Client_Configuration_Access_Array :=
     (1 => Config1'Access, --  (5)
      2 => Config2'Access);

end A4A.Application.MBTCP_Clients_Config;
1 Modbus TCP Server IP Address : (localhost)
2 Modbus TCP Server port : 1504 (A4A_Piano)
3 Commands number : 2 (since we declare two commands in the array)
4 Commands array : one read and one write commands
5 Configurations array : add our configuration

7.4. Modbus TCP Server Configuration

package A4A.Application.MBTCP_Server_Config is

   --  Modbus TCP Server configuration

   package Server is new A4A.MBTCP_Server
      Coils_Number           => 65536,
      Input_Bits_Number      => 65536,
      Input_Registers_Number => 65536,
      Registers_Number       => 65536

   Config1 : aliased Server.Server_Configuration :=
     (Server_Enabled           => True,
      Debug_On                 => False,
      Retries                  => 3,
      Server_IP_Address        => To_Bounded_String (""),
      Server_TCP_Port          => 1503); --  (1)

end A4A.Application.MBTCP_Server_Config;
1 Modbus TCP Server port : 1503 (default)

7.5. User objects Definition

"../020 a4a-k1-cli/src/a4a-user_objects.ads"
package A4A.User_Objects is

   --  User Objects creation

   First_Cycle : Boolean := True;
   Output_Byte : Byte := 0;  --  (3)

   Tempo_TON_1      : TON.Instance;
   --  My Tempo TON 1

   TON_1_Q          : Boolean := False;

   Cmd_Byte      : Byte := 0;  --  (1)
   Pattern_Byte  : Byte := 0;  --  (2)

end A4A.User_Objects;
1 8 Input bits are read that form the Command byte, which is also output in 8 Coils.
2 8 Input bits are read that form the Pattern byte.
3 8 Coils are written that reflect the Output byte.

7.6. User Functions

"../020 a4a-k1-cli/src/a4a-user_functions.adb"
package body A4A.User_Functions is

   --  User functions

   procedure Map_Inputs is  --  (1)

      Booleans_To_Byte (Boolean_in00 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (0),
                        Boolean_in01 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (1),
                        Boolean_in02 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (2),
                        Boolean_in03 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (3),
                        Boolean_in04 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (4),
                        Boolean_in05 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (5),
                        Boolean_in06 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (6),
                        Boolean_in07 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (7),
                        Byte_out     => Cmd_Byte);

      Booleans_To_Byte (Boolean_in00 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (8),
                        Boolean_in01 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (9),
                        Boolean_in02 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (10),
                        Boolean_in03 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (11),
                        Boolean_in04 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (12),
                        Boolean_in05 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (13),
                        Boolean_in06 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (14),
                        Boolean_in07 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Inputs (15),
                        Byte_out     => Pattern_Byte);

   end Map_Inputs;

   procedure Map_Outputs is --  (2)

      Byte_To_Booleans (Byte_in       => Cmd_Byte,
                        Boolean_out00 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (0),
                        Boolean_out01 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (1),
                        Boolean_out02 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (2),
                        Boolean_out03 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (3),
                        Boolean_out04 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (4),
                        Boolean_out05 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (5),
                        Boolean_out06 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (6),
                        Boolean_out07 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (7));

      Byte_To_Booleans (Byte_in       => Output_Byte,
                        Boolean_out00 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (8),
                        Boolean_out01 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (9),
                        Boolean_out02 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (10),
                        Boolean_out03 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (11),
                        Boolean_out04 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (12),
                        Boolean_out05 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (13),
                        Boolean_out06 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (14),
                        Boolean_out07 => MBTCP_IOScan.Bool_Outputs (15));

   end Map_Outputs;

   procedure Map_HMI_Inputs is


   end Map_HMI_Inputs;

   procedure Map_HMI_Outputs is


   end Map_HMI_Outputs;

   procedure Process_IO is --  (3)

      Elapsed_TON_1 : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span;


      if First_Cycle then

         Output_Byte := Pattern_Byte;

         First_Cycle := False;

      end if;

      Tempo_TON_1.Cyclic (Start   => not TON_1_Q,
                          Preset  => Ada.Real_Time.Milliseconds (500),
                          Elapsed => Elapsed_TON_1,
                          Q       => TON_1_Q);

      if TON_1_Q then

         case Cmd_Byte is

         when 0 =>
            Output_Byte := ROR (Value => Output_Byte, Amount => 1);

         when 1 =>
            Output_Byte := ROL (Value => Output_Byte, Amount => 1);

         when others => Output_Byte := Pattern_Byte;

         end case;

      end if;

   end Process_IO;

end A4A.User_Functions;

User functions are defined to :

1 get the inputs from the IO Scanner,
2 set IO Scanner ouputs,
3 process the data.

7.7. User Application

"../020 a4a-k1-cli/src/a4a-application.adb"
package body A4A.Application is

   procedure Cold_Start is


   end Cold_Start;

   procedure Closing is


   end Closing;

   procedure Main_Cyclic is
      My_Ident : constant String := "A4A.Application.Main_Cyclic";

      Map_Inputs;  --  (1)


      --  Playing with tasks interface
      Main_Outputs.X := Main_Inputs.A;
      Main_Outputs.Y := Main_Inputs.B;
      Main_Outputs.Z := Main_Inputs.C;

      Process_IO;  --  (2)

      Map_Outputs;  --  (3)



      when Error : others =>
         A4A.Log.Logger.Put (Who  => My_Ident,
                             What => Exception_Information (Error));

         Program_Fault_Flag := True;

   end Main_Cyclic;

   procedure Periodic1_Cyclic is
      My_Ident : constant String := "A4A.Application.Periodic1_Cyclic";

      --  Playing with tasks interface
      Periodic1_Outputs.A := not Periodic1_Inputs.X;
      Periodic1_Outputs.B := Periodic1_Inputs.Y + 2;
      Periodic1_Outputs.C := Periodic1_Inputs.Z + 1;


      when Error : others =>
         A4A.Log.Logger.Put (Who  => My_Ident,
                             What => Exception_Information (Error));

         Program_Fault_Flag := True;

   end Periodic1_Cyclic;

   function Program_Fault return Boolean is
      return Program_Fault_Flag;
   end Program_Fault;

end A4A.Application;

The application cyclically :

1 gets the inputs from the IO Scanner,
2 processes the data,
3 sets IO Scanner ouputs.